Januari 09, 2012


night by night she counts the times
a wondered girl with her veil wipe the tears
which is speaking in her silence and run to no where
she was fall down from the edge of stand
no pain feels hurt, she stand up and comeback to run
somewhere she doesn't know she was lost to unknown place
fog and smoke welcomed her 
with the sound of silence covered her self
as she try to keep move on with the eyes are blind

what she was expected about the life is changed
such a damage slap her back
strangle with a rope around her neck
and shoulders are embedded
so she's only going to be weak

and dead -

and the rain fell crying her
a girl who disappeared along with her soul
which only keep her sorrow 

and keeping her grief
longed someone would pick her up

but no, no one came for her
even just to give a touching
they just stared at her without holding
they just mourn without hug
and all that remains is  

the tears that fell on her cheeks
which was disappeared with the rain

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