Juni 15, 2011

GASTRITIS, GASTROPATY, GAS..alahai hom keuh! Hohoo

Gastritis aiiihhh...
Pertama kali mendengar 'Gastritis' reaksi ipit adalah Wah!! #sejenis mahluk apa itu yaa? hahha
Ehm, begitulah reaksinya, bengong bengong bingung, tuing2 >_<
Jadii.. lets check it out! :p
Gastritis Definisi : inflamasi mukosa lambung
Dengan kata lain Gastritis adalah radang lapisan lambung yang terjadi akibat erosi terhadap mukosa lambung sehingga terjadi iritasi, memar (infeksi), dan luka (ulkus)

Gastritis Gejala :
# kembung, mual, nyeri pada daerah lambung (variatif), dan yang terberat adalah pendarahan lambung, naudzubillahi mindzalik >_<
That was the second day when i stayed in St. Elizabeth Hospital, #09 Sept, 2008 on tuesday. I never heard it before, i was thinking it seems like Maag biasanya saja, just drink the medicine and you'll be fine but when i asked the doctor (Mr. Bethin Marpaung) what should we do? Then He said that :

Mr. Bethin : 'We need look into ur stomach, we will do Gastrocopy by using some tools with the camera inside, then we will take some pictures, that the ways to get the result'

and I was like : #stop breathing, i was really afraid
Then i told him that i will tell my school (Udiklat Tuntungan tercintaa) and let them answer its

Sore dihari yang sama Pak Saifuddin sama Pak Marwan visited me and they said i've followed all the instructions and therapys, then in wednesday morning ipit sudah stand by di meja laboratorium, hiks.. #sedih juga kalau diingat-ingat, waktu ipit sangat ketakutan, ga ada kawan yang ipit kenal, yang justru ngasih ipit semangat itu suster-suster yang jadi kenalan ipit, so sad-lah..

Gastrocopy menurut ipit adalah Peneropongan Lambung! hahhaha
tapi menurut definisi sebenarnya adalah :

Gastrocopy Definisi :
Gastroscopy (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, atau EGD) merupakan prosedur dimana dokter memeriksa bagian atas saluran pencernaan terdiri dari perut (tenggorokan) kerongkongan, dan duodenum. . Dokter menggunakan endoskop untuk prosedur ini, sehingga kadang-kadang disebut juga dengan endoskopi.

When I was in Gastrocopy..
(10 sept, 2008 ; on 1 st floor of St. Elizabeth ; at 09.00 am)
after explaining the procedure, a nurse came near to me and she spray ma throat with anasthetic. It numbs! then what i saw is they asked me to open ma mouth , and put 2 meters of weird tools with a mikrocamera on the top into my throat which feels like swallowing a large piece of food, then i saw the path of my esofagus on a monitor on my left side before i fall asleep (i think i fainted, haha)
The endoscopist will closely examine the lining of the gullet, stomach and duodenum to identify the cause of the symptoms. usually it take about 10 to 15 minute but in my case it took 30 minute :p
I woke up at 11.15 am, i haven't my breakfast, and i was lonely in my bed, i couldnt moving, i have no power, then Ms. Fauk (nurse) came up accompany me, she hold me and feeding me, and i spent the day to restored my energy, hahaa

Hasil Gastrocopy ipit adalah :
  • Duodenum atau ulkus lambung. ulkus-nya kelihatan seperti kawah, kecil merah pada lapisan bagian dalam duodenum atau perut.
  • Gastritis aka.inflammation of the stomach
Jadi, sampai sekarang ipit terjebak pada penyakit yang sama, rawan asam lambung, pantang pikiran, susah makan, suka meriang ga jelas, nyeri ulu hati berkepanjangan, dan kondisi sekarang adalah positif Gastritis ipit kumat!
O Allah.. bagaimana ini??!! :((
Ipit capek musti nelan obat, tablet, sirup!! kulit ipit dipenuhi ruam2 ganas, periiihh!! ipit ga bisa makan klw ga minum obat, pernah ipit coba hasilnya ipit mengosongkan semuanyaa (baca:muntah2), ipit kelaparan tp perut ipit ga sanggup menerima,
O Allah..how expensive to get the health :((
#judulnya ketika si ipit mengeluh, :(, ga knp2kan pun sesekali ipit bisa cengeng kaya gini, hahaa

I asked my self what should i do now, what you going to do vitraaa..
Im trying to live health, but it feel too difficult, then what i need is gimme time, space to adapt, to fix my life, to get out from this misery :p
what i realize is i have grown to strong a hundred times than before, because it's not all about me, not only to hold my own self, but also caring on peoples around that i love..

Hmm. Ok pit?! Gastritis dan Vitra harus melakukan gencatan senjata, haha
Semangaatt piiitt!!! Vitra pasti bisaaa :)

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